diumenge, 8 de març del 2015

Fascinating Unbuilt Buildings

Fascinating Unbuilt Buildings


Unbuilt buildings represent the forgotten dreams of architects; projects that could have defined a community’s identity. At best the drawings and blueprints will now be displayed in museums, though that’s small consolation to the architects who stayed up late at night scribbling, while envisaging a skyline that would proudly display their signature style.
At Rubberbond we’ve seen a few ambitious projects cancelled, it’s an unfortunate aspect of the trade. A few daydreams have led to discussions about what some of our grandest cities could have looked like. I doubt too many Londoners are regretting the decision not to build a pyramid mausoleum for 5 million corpses, but only the most prudish of New Yorkers wouldn’t want to see a globe tower containing 4 circuses. So with the help of our architectural colleagues, we decided to research the most interesting unbuilt buildings, and display unbuilt work from Gaudi, Wright, Foster, and many more.
Fascinating Unbuilt Buildings

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